Saturday 7 September 2013

Iron Man 3 on Qantas

Theme: The man makes the machine and it is not the machine that defines the man. Tony Stark returns without his armour and has to make do with his own human skills to get by - at least in part of the movie.

Where: On Qantas Airbus Sydney to Perth in Sept 2013.

Audience: Alone in economy. Daytime flight from 1250pm to 4pm.

Sound: Sony Nice cancelling earphones

Activity: Modified yoga for aeroplane. Cycling in the air. Modified sit ups for airplane seat.

Multitasking: Reading journals and newspaper. Managed to cover journals and newspaper.

Like: Tony Stark's vulnerability and rashness that puts him in strife with the bad guy. I could not guess the outcome of the plot till the very end of the movie. At each stage I could not tell what was going to happen.

Check it out: At

Cast: Robert Downey Junior; Gwyneth Paltrow; Guy Pearce as the bad guy; Ben Kingsley as the mandarin

Director: Shane Black

Friday 6 September 2013

Prometheus 2012

Prequel to the Alien Genre

Theme: Aliens and humans mix DNA and breed with unusual results.

Where: Qantas flight from Sydney to New York somewhere over the Pacific Ocean in Dec 2012.

Audience: With teenage boys

Sound: Qantas economy earphones

Activity: Yoga modified for the airplane economy seats. Modified planking during action scenes

Multitasking: Stop movie for a breather as the concepts in the movie were to intense and had to digest the implications of the movie for the Aliens series of movie. How did at all fit in before Alien?

Like: A cerebral movie for Alien fans who are trying to work out whether the monster in Alien series was genetically engineered biotech weapon or just mean animal product of a harsh and challenging environment.

Check it out and also the intended sequel to Prometheus.

Cast: Naomi Rapace; Michael Fassbender

Director: The Ridley Scott